Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Pictures of OPks & Hpts

David ovulation (US Opks) ready stocks 200 pcs (no pre-order as this is stash for clearance)
10 pcs 60 cents/each
20pcs 55 cents
30 pcs 50 cents
UK ovulation (UK Opks green & white ) ready stocks 80 pcs + preorder if required
10 pcs 80 cents
20pcs 70 cents
30 pcs 60 cents
UK Home pregnancy test (UK hpts blue & white ) ready stocks 80 pcs + preorder if required
10 pcs 80 cents
20pcs 70 cents
30 pcs 60 cents
Postage & handling/set
10 pcs 50 cents
20pcs 80 cents
30 pcs $1
40pcs $1.20
50pcs $1.50
10 pcs 60 cents/each $6.50
20pcs 55 cents $11.80
30 pcs 50 cents $$16
10 pcs 80 cents $8.50
20pcs 70 cents $14.80
30 pcs 60 cents $19.00

PLease email your orders to

Payments to posb savings 207 23280 7
